Thursday, August 9, 2012


4thOctober 1974 – 11th August 2011

Kidee mami, our beloved daughter, all the tears we have cried, in our daily grief and pain have not brought you back; however, we understand that, those we love remain with us in spirit for love itself lives on through Jesus Christ our saviour; and that cherished memories never fade because a loved one is gone. 
Those we love can never be more than a thought apart, for as long as there is memory; they will live on in the heart. 
Therefore, with a silent thought and a secret tear we keep your memory ever near and dear. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. 
You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. Your loving smile, a gentle face and focused mind will always be in our thoughts and forever in our hearts. 
So, as we commemorate one year since you were promoted to glory, we tenderly treasure the moments we shared together with memories that will always last. 
Forever we shall miss you, forever we shall cry. We are praying that we may transcend anguish of your early departure. 
Daughter to Shane and Stella Bendera, mom to Maya-Lulu and Darie-Manka, wife to Clifford Tazanu, sister to Guni-Heri, Joe-Amani,and Fianne, cousins, family,in laws and friends in USA, Canada and Tanzania. Kidee, the apple of our hearts, rest in peace, wrapped in God’s hands so pure with love. 

Anniversary mass in memory of our beloved Kidee will be celebrated at Msasani Lutheran Church on 12thAugust 2012 at 10.00 AM.

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