Madaktari wanatafuta maana mpya ya kifo ama hali ya mtu kutambulika kuwa amekufa itakayowawezesha kusaidia kuokoa maisha mengi kutokana na kutumia baadhi ya viungo muhimu vya "marehemu" hao kabla "havijafa" na kuvipandikiza kwa wagonjwa wenye uhitaji. Jarida la mambo ya afya la New England Journal of Medicine limeeleza namna ambavyo madaktari waliweza kuhamisha moyo wa mtoto ndani ya sekunde 75 tangu athibitishwe kufa kwa maradhi ya moyo.
Je! Kuna uvunjaji wowote wa misingi ya kibinadamu katika hili? Yawezekana kuna ukweli lakini (na hapa naomba kunukuu ili kuweka ujumbe halisi) "......in medicine, lines move. "Dead" means irreversibly stopped, and stoppages are increasingly reversible. And when life support ends, says one bioethicist, "not using viable organs wastes precious life-saving resources" and "costs the lives of other babies." Failure to take body parts looks like lethal negligence". Whaooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
Bado hawajamaliza, swali jingine ni vipi tunaweza kupata viungo muhimu vya mwilini punde baada ya mgonjwa kufariki ili kuweza kuokoa maisha ya wengine wengi? (na kwa mara nyingine naomba nisipoteze maana kwa kutafsiri) wao (wataalamu wa kupandikiza viungo) wanasema "..... By redefining death. First we coined "brain death," which let us take organs from people on ventilators. Then we proposed organ retrieval even if non-conscious brain functions persisted. Now we have "donation after cardiac death," the rule applied in Denver, which permits harvesting based on heart, rather than brain, stoppage.
But stoppage is complicated. There's no "moment" of death. Some transplant surgeons wait five minutes after the last heartbeat; others wait two. The Denver team waited 75 seconds, reasoning that no heart is known to have self-restarted after 60 seconds. Why push the envelope? Because every second counts. Mark Boucek, the doctor who led the Denver team, says that waiting even 75 seconds makes organs less useful."
But stoppage is complicated. There's no "moment" of death. Some transplant surgeons wait five minutes after the last heartbeat; others wait two. The Denver team waited 75 seconds, reasoning that no heart is known to have self-restarted after 60 seconds. Why push the envelope? Because every second counts. Mark Boucek, the doctor who led the Denver team, says that waiting even 75 seconds makes organs less useful."
Bofya http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/03/AR2008100301974.html uone sayansi inakotupeleka. Kama kiungo kinatolewa ndani ya sekunde 75, si ina maana hawa wataalam wanakuwa wamekutolea macho ukate roho wachukue kiungo chao waelekee nyumbani? Ama wanajuaje dakika utakayokufa ili wawahi kutoa kiungo kabla "hakijafa"?
Sijui inaleta CHANGAMOTO gani kwa Wanasayansi vs Imani vs Tamaduni.
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