Kuna visingizio viingi vya MAISHA KUWA MAGUMU siku za sasa. Mengi ni yale yenye kushutumu walio madarakani japo wengi wao ni sisi tuliowaweka. Lakini tunasahau sababu nyingine muhimu ambazo nni NAFASI ZETU katika kuwekeza na kuendeleza hali hizi ngumu za maisha. Culture ni mmoja ya wasanii walioieleza na kuielezea jamii mengi yaihusuyo. Na katika wimbo huu TIME IS GETTING HARDER anabainisha baadhi ya yale yanayosababisha maisha kuwa magumu. Anaeleza maisha ya wahitaji kuwa "they can't get no food to eat, they can't get no clothes to wear. No where to lay their weary heads. Na anaeleza hali inavyozidi kuwa mbaya kila kukicha kuwa watu wanaenda kulala wakiwa na matamanio ya vitu na wanaamka na MAHITAJI YA LAZIMA wasiyoweza kuyamudu. Lakini upande mwingine unaishi kama peponi. Lakini Culture pia anaeleza upande wetu ambapo anasema wafanyao kazi wana malengo lakini cha kushangaza ni kuwa hata wasio na kazi nao wanataka kuishi maisha ya kifahari kuliko kipato chao na matokeo yake ni kuiibia jamii. Ndipo anasema "so think about the greedy, they leave nothing for the needy". Na pia anaendelea kuelezea madhara ya ongezeko l akodi kwa wale ambao hawawezi hata kumudu maisha bila kodi. Msikilize Culture uburudike, ujifunze na kuanza vema mwisho wa juma.
Each and everyday time is getting Harder,
Some of them are holler, some a balw........... X2
They cant get no food to eat,
Can't get no clothes to wear
Nowhere to lay their weary head
They go to bed with wants
And they wake up within needs
Some of them a holler, some a bawl..
Working man want this,
Working man want that
Lazy man you want it just the same,
We got to make an effort
To get our necessities Lord
Some of them a holler, some a bawl..
You forward to the Market,
to make a small purchase,
every item rise up sky high
The longer you live,
the more you got to pay Lord,
Some of them a holler, some a bawl..
Cant get no food to eat,
Can't get no clothes to wear
Nowhere to lay their weary head
They go to bed with wants
And they wake up within needs
Some of them a holler, some a bawl..
People are Dying,
Little babies are crying
Their hearts carries no sympathy,
So think about the greedy
They leave nothing for the needy
Some of them a holler, some a bawl..
What about taxation,
Gone up in creation,
Some of them a holler, some a bawl..
You call for rid them,
You'll surely get it
Be careful of what you're praying for
Each and everyday time is getting Harder,
Some of them are holler, some a balw........... X2
Dirty clothes they wear,
Dirty clothes is the system,
No money in some pocket,
Some depends on Boyfriends,
Some depends on girlfriends
**Them, I & Them ni kipengele kikujiacho kila Ijumaa kinachoelezea kazi za wasanii (Them) kulingana na maono yangu (I) kwa ajili na manufaa ya hadhira (Them)**
Kwa nyimbo zaidi ndani ya kipengele hiki bofya hapa.
Nuff Nuff Respect kaka.
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