Katika wimbo wake wa War and Crime, LUCKY DUBE alisema "Every where in the world People are fighting for freedom. Nobody knows what is right. Nobody knows what is wrong.......... I'm not saying this because I'm a coward. But I'm thinking of the lives that we lose everytime we fight. Killing innocent people, women and children yeah. Who doesn't know about the government, who doesn't know about the wars going on" Hakuna anayefahamu haya akashangazwa na kinachoendelea sasa ambapo kila upande unaotofautiana na mwenzake unasingizia FREEDOM kama sababu ya kufanya wafanyayo. Hakuna ajuaye aliye na asiye sahihi. Kinachofuata hapo ni kile alichosema Bob Marley katika wimbo wake wa Real Situation aliposema "Check out the real situation, Nation war against nation. Where did it all begin? When will it end? Well, it seems like: total destruction the only solution". Haya yanaendelea kuwa kweli leo hii ikiwa ni karibu miongo 3 tangu Bob afariki. Na mpaka leo twaona namna wale wapiganao wanavyoamini kuwa kuteketeza mali na maisha ya wasio na hatia ni namna ya "kutuma ujumbe" kwa wapinzani "wasicheze nao" Lakini ni kwanini ulimwengu uendelee kuangalia haya na kuhalalisha ukiukwaji huu wa haki za binadamu na hasa watoto? Maxi Priest aliimba akiwaasa viongozi kuwa "Slow down everyone, pay attention, let us reason for awhile. I'm worried about this everyday killing that is turning into style. Don't try to convince its normal, playing with human rights. I Don't know about you but I know its brings tears to my eyes. And I cry for the children, and I pray for them. That someday consciousness will once again. Be the answer to our prayers......
How many more lives do you need for your game? Cause we're counting. How many more mothers will you leave in pain? Cause it's mounting. Could you give me a time or a day, how much longer will we have to wait, will there be sunshine and no trace of crime when I wake? Now I'm tired ".
Dunia ya sasa (kama ambavyo tumeona na kusikia huko Nigeria wiki hii) inatawaliwa na watu ambao wanazidi kusaka njia za ajabu katika kudhihirisha maisha na uwezo wao. Wanaoona sawa kutesa na kuua wenzao ili "kutuma ujumbe kwa maadui zao" na hata "kutesa ndugu zao" ili kudhihirisha "uwezo" wao katika matendo ya kikatili. Ni hapo ambapo hata ZIGGY MARLEY alijiuliza "why we lose ourselves just to find who we are?"
Na hili si tatizo kwa viongozi tu, bali hata wananchi wa kawaida ambao kwa "kisingizio" cha hali ya maisha na mfumo wa kisiasa, wanajikuta wakifanya ukatili na mauaji kwa ndugu na binadamu wenzao. Kisingizio ni "system" ambayo BOB MARLEY alihoji kama twaweza kuiacha itusababishe kuua ndugu zetu aliposema "would you let the system makeyou kill your brotherman?"
Na hawa VINGOZI wa dunia ndio wanaotushangaza kwa namna wanavyopuuza suluhisho la matatizo na kuendelea kuuzunguka kusaka kile wakionacho kama suluhisho ilhali wanaongeza tatizo.
Wanapuuza kuwa kinachokosekana ulimwenguni ni UPENDO baina ya wananchi na ambao kwa sehemu nyingine unachochewa na hawa wajiitao viongozi. Na LUCIANO amewashangaa viongozi hawa kwa kukimbia wanachosema wanasaka na hivyo wanakosa suluhisho. Anasema "i see the leaders of these world keep trying to make this world better place for living, still they just can't understand why is it so hard to do it. I guess the system is just not working, there's too much ism skism, why can't they try something new? It is time we understand.... together we can build a better land ........WHAT WE NEED IS LOVE"
Binafsi natambua kuwa kuna wakati tutakuwa sawia kwani licha ya viongozi hawa kutojali kilio na mateso ya wananchi-wataabika, MUNGU tumwaminiye ATATUFUTA MACHOZI kama asemavyo GRAMPS MORGAN katika wimbo wake WASH THE TEARS hapa chini
Kaka Mubelwa, nadhani tamaa ya pesa na mali ndiyo inayopelekea madudu yote haya. Umenikumbusha Lucky Dube katika Gun And Roses anaposema;
"I dont know why I keep believing, that one day,
They will bring us together,
While they have shown us in more ways than one,
All they care about, is the DOLLAR...."
Kisha anasema,
"How can five years of power,
Destroy a lifetime of togetherness.."
Eeeeeh! Jamani madudu haya!
Ubinafsi umetawala kila pahala!
Pengine kichaa aweza kutuokoa :-(
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