Monday, June 29, 2009

Here we go AGAIN

Siku 6 zilizopita niliandika kuhusu UPENDO WA WANASIASA KWA NCHI ZAO (Bofya hapa kama uliikosa) na nikazungumzia ni vipi watu wanataka kutulazimisha sisi tuamini kuwa wanatupenda saana ilhali tunajua kuwa wako hapo kwa maslahi yao.
Hebu soma hii habari nilioipata mwishoni mwa wiki kuhusu huyu Rais wa NIGER ambaye ameamua kufanya afanyalo ili kuendelea kuongoza nchi. Yaani ni upuuzi wa hali ya juu kuona hata wasaidizi wake wanashindwa kujiamini na walishindwa kujiandaa katika mihula yote miwili ambayo amekuwa madarakani na sasa wanataka aendelee.
President Tandja takes emergency powers after failed bid for third term

AFP - Niger's President Mamadou Tandja Friday said he was assuming emergency powers after a failed bid to prolong his stay in office by changing the constitution to allow him to run for a third term.
The 71-year-old leader said in a television address that he was invoking "article 58 of the constitution" giving him special powers "because the independence of the country is threatened." Tandja had already run into opposition from the Constitutional Court in his attempt to hold a referendum on changing the constitution to enable him to run for a third five-year elected term in office after his mandate expires in December. Tandja, 71, first announced his referendum proposal in early May, but the opposition, the trade unions and non-governmental organisations all turned to the Constitutional Court, which on June 12 annulled the president's plan. The court's decisions are binding on the head of state, whose bid to stage the referendum has also led to street protests and strikes. Nevertheless, on Wednesday evening Tandja submitted a request to the court, asking it to retract its ruling on the grounds that it had gone beyond its competence.

Nasio aliwahi kuimba kuwa
"Promise is a comfort to a fool, but i ain't dumb,
Dont you try to show me that you're right, everyone knows you are wrong......"
kisha akaendelea kusema kuwa
"I AIN'T GOT NO TIME TO LOOSE over spilled milk and stumbling blocks,
Turbulent times and the storm is raging, yet we will survive,
Many days can't find no break, many nights no place to rest my head"

1 comment:

Fadhy Mtanga said...

Kumbe ni kweli.... Afrika inakwenda kombo.