Hello everybody, Swahili Fashion Week 2011 introduce to you Fashion Awards. Please we have mention the Categories at the Right side of the website Vote for your Favorite. Is simple go to the Box tick on the dialog box of your favorite nominee, then down click vote,you canonly vote once to any Category of your choice . Votes start now until 10th November 2011. Please invite others to vote too. Thank you all in advance and for being part of SWAHILI FASHION WEEK
To Vote Follow this Link: www.swahilifashionweekawards.blogspot.com
1 comment:
please i want to joine and your blog i weit the answer from my email by nindi songea
Adamu Mzuza Nindi 13/11/2011
I love all those who love Sahara Communication, Star TV and Radio Free Africa. Well come in Media My name is Adam Nindi congratulation to all who visit my www.songeahabari.blogspot.com and all who want to visit my blog you can open www.songeahabari.blogspot.com( YALIYOJIRI MKOANI RUVUMA) you can enter www.songea habari.blogsport.com. Thank you for all who want to visite my blog if it is necesary i will be happy if you can chalenge me. For those who want to comonicate with me you can use my Mobile phone: 0755 731234, 0658 731234, email adress: adam_nindi@yahoo.com/mzuzanindi@gmail.com. My Hoby is to read Drumer, to watch Television and to stand with human right. My profesion im a Journalist i wark at Star TV and Radio Free Africa. well come every one for opinion by Adam Mzuza Nindi Songea District Ruvuma Region Country Tanzania
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