Kati ya habari za kusikitisha wiki hii ni ile ya vurugu zilizotokana na ubishani wa kidini jijini Dar Es Salaam ambao ulisababisha uaharibifu mkubwa wa makanisa uliofanywa na BAADHI ya waIslamu waliochukizwa na kitendo cha mtoto kukojolea kitabu cha dini
Na kibaya zaidi ni kuwa waliochomeana nyumba za ibada ni wanandugu. Ni hili tukio linalonikumbusha kuhusu toleo nililowahi kuandika kuhusu wimbo huu wa ONE TIN SOLDIER. Na hapa naomba niurejee wimbo huu ONE TIN SOLDIER ambao uliimbwa miaka ya 1960 na ambao ni utunzi wao Dennis Lambert na Brian Potter. Kama umeusikia unaweza kuwa umejiuliza maswali mengi kuhusu maana yake. Nimeusikiliza mara kadhaa na kujiuliza kama yaliyoimbwa (ama niseme kutabiriwa) miaka hiyo ndiyo tuliyoyaona wiki hii nchini Tanzania?
Wimbo unazungumzia watu wa "Mlimani" na "Bondeni" ambao kwa pamoja wanajua kuwa kuna "MALI YA THAMANI" iliyozikwa mahala lakini hawajui ni nini. Na kwa kuwa kuna UROHO wa kutopenda kugawana mali hiyo, wale wa "bondeni" wanapoomba kushiriki katika umiliki wanahakikishiwa hilo lakini wanaishia kuuawa wanapokwenda kuiona kama walivyoahidiwa na wa "mlimani".
Na baada ya "kuwafyeka" wale wa bondeni, watu wa mlimani wanakwenda kufunua ilipo mali hiyo ili kujimilikisha na wanakuta HAZINA iliyopo inawaomba kudumisha AMANI DUNIANI lakini hiyo ni baada ya kuwa wameshatenda mauaji na kuwateketeza wenzao. Katika kufananisha nielewavyo mimi na "wachambuzi" wengine, nimekutana na mmoja wa walioelezea maana yake akisema na hapa nanukuu kuwa "... greed won't get you anywhere and that betraying your friends will ultimately leave you with nothing but loneliness."
Sijui ni lini ndugu zetu wa Dar na Zanziar (na sehemu nyingine) watalitambua hili na kuacha "kuaangamiza IMANI" za wananchi wenzao wakitaka kujilimbikizia mali zisizodumu? Unapomdhuru nduguyo kwa sababu ya ki-Dini ama Itikadi za kisiasa unategemea nini? Bob Marley aliwahi kuuliza kuwa "Would you make the system make you kill your brotherman?". Na sasa jibu twaliona.
Mfumo wa maisha, imani za kidunia na za kuamini tunakoweza kuwa zatufanya tuwaone wenzetu hawastahili kuishi bali sisi.
Ama unatufanya tuamini kuwa UHARIBIFU KAMILIFU WA MALI ZA MTU NDIO SULUHISHO. Kama ambavyo Bob Marley alipata kuimba katika wimbo wake Real Situation akisema wanafikiri "total destruction is the only solution"
Tukumbuke hotuba ya Emperor Haille Sellasie I kwenye Umoja wa Mataifa Oktoba 4, 1963 ambapo alisema "That until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation;..... Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will; Until all Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; Until that day, the African continent will not know peace."
Ukiusikiliza na kuusoma unaelewaje? Fuatilia wimbo huu katika toleo hili lililoimbwa naye Bushman.
"Listen people to a story
that was written long ago,
Bout a kingdom on a mountain
and the valley folks below
On the mountain sit a treasure,
buried deep beneath the stone
And the valley people thought
they'd have it for their very own.
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven,
you'll be justified it in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
On the judgment day
On the bloody morning after,
one tin soldier rides away.
So the people of the valley
sent a message up the hill
Asking for the buried treasure,
tons of gold for which they'd kill
Came an answer from the mountain,
"with our brothers we will share
All the secrets of our mountain,
all the riches buried there."
Now the mountain cried with anger,
"Mount your horses, draw your swords"
And they killed the valley people,
so they won their just rewards
Now they stood beside the treasure,
on the mountain, dark and red
Turned the stone and looked beneath it,
"PEACE ON EARTH" that all it said.
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven,
you'll be justified it in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
On the judgment day
On the bloody morning after,
one tin soldier rides away.".... x2
**Them, I & Them ni kipengele kikujiacho kila Ijumaa kinachoelezea kazi za wasanii (Them) kulingana na maono yangu (I) kwa ajili na manufaa ya hadhira (Them)**Kwa nyimbo zaidi ndani ya kipengele hiki bofya hapa.
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